Aromas of sharp onion and chives, sweet sesame and tangy ginger pervade a medium-sized cafeteria at Stone Canyon Outdoor EdVentures, an outdoor education center in Larkspur. About 30 students from middle and elementary schools from across Douglas County chop vegetables, crack eggs and beat dough at small tables. They read directions from a sheet of paper. The end product will be fried rice and pork dumplings.
Stone Canyon Summer Camp
Looking for a great opportunity for children ages 10-14 this summer?
Join Stone Canyon Outdoor EdVentures for an overnight summer camp this June! With over 40 years of camp experience, Stone Canyon has designed a program packed full of fun that is sure to empower, inspire and entertain all campers. Fresh summer air, tons of activities, laughter and adventure all come together to create the perfect summer camp environment!
Stone Canyon Outdoor EdVentures
While you may not be familiar with Stone Canyon Outdoor EdVentures, we have been part of the Douglas County School District (DCSD) since we opened our doors in 2012. Although we’ve operated under a couple of different names over the years, our mission has always been to provide high-quality outdoor education and recreational experiences for our community.
Students Go On Rock Climbing Challenge As Part of Outdoor EdVenture
Rather than sleeping in at the end of their Fall break last week, some DCSD high school students chose to end their week by climbing a 50-foot rock wall at Castlewood Canyon as part of the newly renamed Stone Canyon Outdoor EdVentures program.